It is important for you to know that as a Shamanic Healer, I am a conduit between the Spirits and those who are in need of healing. The healing does not come from me. It comes from the Spirits and moves through me to you. You might have a particular type of Shamanic Healing work in mind, such as soul retrieval. However, it is my Spirit Guides who will determine what will be the most beneficial for your healing at this time, and that may or may not be what you had in mind. It is best to come with an open heart and open mind.

Physical Body Healing

The ailments that we experience in our physical bodies often have emotional, mental, and Spiritual causes. My Spirit Guides can locate the causes of your ill health and offer direct healing as well as prescribe self-healing work for you to do.

Soul Retrieval

According to the Shamanic worldview, in moments of trauma, we are susceptible to loosing pieces of our soul. Without these lost soul parts we are less whole and less healthy in body, emotion, mind and Spirit. My Spirit Guides and I can locate, heal, and return to you your lost soul parts, helping you become more healthy and whole.

Healing with the four elements

Earth corresponds to physical body healing. Stones, trees, and the land itself have gifts of healing to offer us if we listen. Water corresponds to emotional body healing. The ebb and flow of water has much to teach us about feeling and releasing, healing and letting go. Air corresponds to mental body healing. Our minds are as vast and expansive as the air that circulates around this planet. Our minds can be healthy or polluted, free flowing or stagnant. Fire corresponds to Spiritual healing. The fire of our Spirit can burn strong and bright or barely flicker.

Leaves in stream
Sacred, life-giving water flowing in the forest creek at Braided Root Waters.

Shamanic Extraction

Through accident and injury, or intentional and unintentional harm visited upon us by others or even ourselves, our bodies can hold energies that do not belong to us and which impede the healthy flow of our own energies. These “Energetic Intrusions” can cause us to be physically, emotionally, mentally or Spiritually sick. My Spirit Guides and I can detect and remove these negative energies from your body and energy field, allowing renewed energy flow within and around you.

Life Purpose and Manifestation Work

Very early on in my journey with Shamanic Healing, my Spirit Guides showed me what they, and now I, call “The Work of My Spirit.” It is absolutely liberating, invigorating, and amazing to know why we are here on this planet at this time. Knowing our purpose can help us take the steps necessary to begin living our purpose. This is where Manifestation work comes in. It is infinitely easier (at least in my experience) to manifest the work, the relationships, the physical environment, the life that we each want when we are doing that with the help and cooperation of the Spirits.

Part of my manifestation work often involves finding a previously used bird’s nest at Braided Root Waters and placing meaningful objects in and around it on one of my altars. This manifestation nest is for manifesting MoonWise EarthWays Center for Heart and Healing.

Sound and Song Healing

I have been gifted many songs by my Spirit Guides. Some of these songs help me with manifestation work in my life. Others are specifically for healing of the physical body. Still others are Earth healing songs. Sound and songs might be a part of the healing work the Spirits recommend for you. Receiving a song to sing from the Spirits is a true gift!

Healing with Divine Beings

There are a multitude of Divine Beings associated with different peoples, cultures and religions throughout the world. These beings can be called upon to to assist us in any aspect of healing that we need: physical, emotional, mental or Spiritual.

Ancestral Healing

Patterns of emotion and behavior, of trauma, of physical illness, of energetic outcomes and more, can be passed down from one generation to another. In your current life you might be experiencing the energetic outcomes of what your ancestors did many, many generations ago. With the help of my own Ancestral Spirit Guides healing can be brought to those who came before you, and thus to you as well.

My Ancestor Altar


Psychopomp is the term for helping the souls of the dead cross over to “the other side.” When death is traumatic, or sudden and unexpected, or when a person passes on with a lot of unhealed emotional, mental or Spiritual wounds, their souls can have a difficult time finding their way to the Spirit World. Souls who are stuck on the Earthly plane can be confused, sad, angry, unsettled and can, deliberately or not, cause trouble for the living. Shamanically helping the Soul of a loved one to heal and to cross over can bring peace to their Soul and to yours.


When a human Soul has not properly crossed over to the Spirit World after death of the body, that Soul might attach itself to, or possess, a living person. That Soul may or may not be intentionally harmful to the person, but ill effects are likely to be experienced either way because the living person’s body and/or energy field is being possessed and impacted by energy not their own.

Depossession is the process of removing this possessing soul from the living person it has become attached to. Places and homes or other buildings might also be possessed (haunted) and benefit from depossession.


Exorcism is the process of removing a non-human Spirit or Energy that has attached itself to a living person. This non-human Spirit/ Energy might be the Spirit of a disease, an addiction, a mental disorder, or some other malign force that can cause distress to the person’s body, emotions, mind, or Spirit.

Plant Spirit Healing

Plants are living beings, as alive as you and I. They carry energy and medicine and personality and Spirit. I was once told by an Oak Tree that one of the purposes of trees is to give us unconditional Love. Forming a relationship with a particular tree and tapping into that Love can be an awesome healing force. Connecting with the Spirits and the healing potentials of plants could change your life.

Healing with the Fey

The Fey or the Fairy Folk or the Little People are beings that coexist with us on this Earth. Many of us (most even?) are not aware of them outside of fairy tales we are read as children and do not think of these stories or these Beings as real. But they are real! They can be helpful, or mischievous, or a hindrance, or even harmful. A Fairy Being might hold the healing which is the solution to your problem, or might be the cause of what ails you.

The Fairy Alter. I seek to honor and work with the Fey to help the Trees and all the Vegetation of Braided Root Waters thrive in a drastically changing climate.